Our company

A story that has continued for more than thirty years to give a chromatic response to all kinds of commercial activities, through the best systems.
With thirty years of experience in the marketing of technologies for painting and for the treatment of industrial residues deriving from this kind of activity, whether volatile or liquid, SM Stefano Mazza & C. is able to provide a professional and qualitative answer valid for the needs of its interlocutors.
Starting from the supply of a simple product up to the realization of more complex painting systems, our company is able to satisfy the most varied requests, without ever neglecting reliability and reasonableness in the quality-price ratio.

A rigorous attention to the quality – price ratio makes it a serious and fair partner.
In addition to the marketing of plant engineering, the company also deals with equipment Pumps Pistols Spare Parts Accessories and professional systems for spray painting with liquid paints and for fluid handling (transfer and extrusion). SM Stefano Mazza & C. represents and distributes products of companies of the WAGNER group including Asahi Sunac, Reinhardt Technik, Walther Pilot and Wagner itep. Wagner Technology makes use of a network of specialized and qualified agents who enjoy the support of a constantly upgraded and trained technical team, to always be at the top in the reference market.